Center for Orthopedic Rehabilitation Excellence
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Call us to schedule today!


call (316) 858-1177, fax (316) 858-1178

office hours

Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Fridays 8am-2pm

Frequently asked questions

Q: Do I need a referral?

A: We do not require a referral. If you plan to file insurance, they may require one (usually limited to managed care and Medicare). If you do not know, please contact your insurance or give us a call—we’ll help you out!

Q: Will this be covered by my insurance?

A: Yes! But how much they pay does look different for different insurance plans. The plan you chose to enroll with determines what and how they pay. If you have a deductible, and you haven’t met it—it will likely apply toward that. If you have met it, chances are it will be covered in full. If your plan has a co-pay, then usually that will be all that you owe—and the co-pay may be a one-time thing or an every-visit thing. We understand that this can be confusing, so if you don’t know, give us a call and we can help you figure it out. Please note, though—this is really dependent on the insurance plan that you have purchased, and while we are happy to file your insurance and help you get answers, this is not anything that we have control over.

Q: Do you accept all insurance plans?

A: Much to our dismay, there are some plans we no longer accept. Increasing costs of care and decreasing insurance reimbursement from some insurance companies simply won’t allow us to provide you with the level of care we feel you deserve.

Q: Do you have a cash pay option?

A: Yes! A very reasonable one! Please give us a call and we would be happy to discuss options with you.


➤ location

11120 E 26th St N, Suite 1300
Wichita, KS  67226




When heading north on Greenwich Road you will drive under the K96 overpass. You need to be in the left lane. Make a left turn onto 26th Street (the turn is immediately after the strip building with Star Lumber,). Once you have turned onto 26th St you will make an immediate right turn into the parking lot. CORE Physical Therapy is in the northern most suite of this building.

When heading south on Greenwich Road you will pass by Surgicare on your left, and then you’ll see REI. You need to be in the right hand lane. You will see a strip building on your right with CORE Physical Therapy. Continue south past our sign until you reach 26th Street. Make a right turn onto 26th St.  Immediately turn right into the parking lot. CORE Physical Therapy is the northern most suite of this building.

When heading east bound on K96 you will take the Greenwich Exit. You will need to be in the left hand turning lane.  Make a left turn at the light.  You will quickly make another left turn onto 26th Street after you pass by the strip that Star Lumber is located in.  After turning onto 26th you will make an immediate right turn to enter the parking lot.  CORE Physical Therapy is the northern most suite of this building.

When heading west bound on K96 you will take the Greenwich Exit. You will need to be in the left hand turning lane.  Make a left turn at the light.  You will quickly make another left turn after you pass by the strip that Star Lumber is located in.  After turning onto 26th you will make an immediate right turn to enter the parking lot.  CORE Physical Therapy is the northern most suite of this building.